Friday, May 4, 2012


Hello gluttonous people!  

I’m a little sad because I wanted to right about artichoke, but you, fat people, you want to talk about dishes…so you bulling me.

So, one of my favorite dishes is CHACARERO, a sandwich. I really love almost all the food but today I even haven’t had lunch so I’m thinking in the fattest food in the world.

The ingredients of the lovely CHACARERO are:
- Frica bread
- Green cut chili
- Straps of meat, or steak
- Green beans, cold and stews
- Tomatoes in tracks
- Mayonnaise, if you want…of course I want it!!!

It comes from Chile!!! It is one of the better creations of this country.

I like it because it’s very delicious, and you can find it in everywhere, and because it’s not a ship dish. And it’s perfect to be accompanied whit a cold and refresh bier.

I eat it when I go out with my friends, but in general when my boyfriend invited me to eat fat food, but lamentably or lucky it’s not very usually. 


  1. i love the green beans, also the chacareros!

    with home-made mayo!

    remember tomorrow is the green day, ganya party!!!

  2. It´s one of my favorite sandwiches!
    Good choice!


  3. Hahahahaha
    I agree with you! it is one of the better creations of Chile
    Tasty! Chacarero is the best! after pastas hahaha


  4. I don't like Green beans for this reason I don't eat chacarero
    but the rest of the ingredients are delicious!

  5. Good job, Manuela.

    I´ll get back to you in class.

    2 points
